04/16/06 09:56 PM
Over the course of the past week or so, it has turned into that time of year where if we’re not attentively listening to the radio to inform ourselves of severe weather, we’re outside in the yard working on things. After the nice rains in the past week, everything is growing and blooming and while it makes for some sniffly days due to allergies, I also enjoy getting out and breathing it all in.
We have approximately 5 different colors of tulips coming up, our magnolia tree is about to bloom, the chives are already staking out a 2 foot diameter circle in our herb garden, and I can see sprouts coming up for both garlic and onions in the garden where random bulbs decided to come up. In addition, some planters where TG started some seeds are just poking sprouts through in places and our once dead and brown yard is almost completely filled in and lush green. Heck, even the one evergreen we thought had died over the winter has gotten all the color back and is now thriving. We have bleeding hearts blooming in the front yard, and the lilacs are flowering in back.
And yes, I realize how useless all of the above is without any pictures. They’ll be added shortly, I promise.
June 6th, 2014 at 5:56 pm
coffee maker
glob » Sprung