Day 4:
Checkout time was 10:30 and we were all packed up and ready to go by 10, even after staying up late watching bad television the night previous. We managed to fit everything back into the van nice and tidy for the trip home, then proceeded back into Boulder for our final breakfast of the trip at a restaurant called "the Buffs."

After we'd eaten, there was one stop to fill up on gas before we headed out of town and onto the road bound for Nebraska. Discussion was much lighter on the way home, perhaps because we already had heard enough secrets and other stories for the trip, but there was always the non-flat terrain of Nebraska to enjoy looking at.

Our only stop on the 7+ hour drive home was to get gas at Kearney (home of the famous arch to the West) and grab some food at a rather nasty Mexican food restaurant (at which the fellow behind the counter seemed less-than-enthused to be there).

We arrived home safely at about 8:30 p.m. or so and everything came out of the van one final time and we all went our seperate ways. I came home and opened up the windows, as it was super-nice outside, then turned on my computer and crashed on the floor for awhile to stretch and relax, sad and glad to be back at the same time.
