Title and date of release | Quick summary of piece |
Destruction Grinning - 04.21.02 | Tale of youth. Again. |
Saturday Night to Monday Morning - 04.08.02 | More writing fun from the midwest. |
Surface Dive - 04.03.02 | A day at the pool. |
Courthouse Blues - 03.13.02 | I write about my first jury duty. |
Like Silly Putty - 02.18.02 | A state of the site address. |
600 Reviews And Rambling - 08.20.01 | The music review section is huge. True. |
The Photo Bust Project - 05.28.01 | I'm not giving up on things, just cutting my losses. |
Please Drive Safely - 03.26.01 | I witnessed a wicked accident lately. Scary. |
A Sense A Day - 03.05.01 | A year (and a couple months) of sensory logging. |
Pickup Of Pron - 02.26.01 | The story of the first time I saw a nudie mag. |
My Fave Movies Of 2000 - 02.12.01 | Just as it says. Just as it says. |
The Year That Was - 02.05.01 | Reflecting on the year 2000. |
Slowing To A Walk - 01.07.01 | This section is going sporatic. |
The Living Room Rocket - 12.25.00 | A holiday story from youth. |
Skid Zing Zoom - 12.18.00 | I had a little accident in my car. |
Life Sketches - 12.11.00 | Little short bits from life. Easily digestible. |
Pre Photo Show Thoughts - 12.04.00 | I'm having a photo show in 1.5 weeks. For real. |
Things I've Learned From Having A Website - 11.27.00 | Number 200! Bring It! I blather about my site! |
Yes, It's Perception - 11.20.00 | How do I come across on the site? |
Starting The Second Quarter - 11.13.00 | Birthday time again. I tell what happened this year. |
Not Scared Of The Dark - 11.06.00 | I write about when I first got interested in things that scared me. |
Happy Belated B-Day Whatever! - 10.30.00 | Over 3 years of writing for this section. I look back. |
6 Year Circle - 10.23.00 | Psychology and friends and conversations. Huh? |
Is Real Really Real - 10.16.00 | I talk about real life friendships and e-mail ones. |
Rambling About Passion - 10.09.00 | Either insight or pure rubbish. I'll let you decide. |
Alone And Learning Still - 10.02.00 | Being co-dependent versus being myself. |
Re:(Elation?)ship Thoughts Part 4 - 09.25.00 | Even more of the pieces you enjoy/dislike. |
Politics Schmolitics - 09.18.00 | My history of voting and why it changed this year. |
Like A Bee - 09.11.00 | I say that I've been busy and now I explain it. |
My Life As A Super-Spy - 09.04.00 | A dream entry. Nobody will mistake this for real. |
I've Also Been Known To Ramble - 08.28.00 | Just as the titled states. |
No More Meat - 08.21.00 | I'm going vegetarian. For real. |
About The Photo Trust Project - 08.14.00 | The newest addition to the site explained. |
I'll Say It Again - 08.07.00 | Sometimes I write fiction. In this section. |
Am I Getting Too Personal? - 07.31.00 | I ask myself this question, but don't really get a distinct answer. |
Awake And Decide - 07.24.00 | Deciding on the more difficult option. |
One Year Of Dot Org - 07.17.00 | I've officially been doing the site for a year. Exciting. |
That Damn Distance Thing - 07.10.00 | E-mail is cool, but then you want to meet the person behind it. |
More Answers Revealed! - 07.03.00 | I answer more questions submitted by readers. |
Return Of The Q/A Session - 06.26.00 | Ask me more questions and I'll answer them. |
Re:(Elation?)ship Thoughts Part 3 - 06.19.00 | Yes, I have a lot of fun doing these. |
Cut Into My Body - 06.12.00 | A chronicle of the times I've been under the knife. |
Nerd Camp And A Girl - 06.05.00 | I'm stupid about my first crush. |
Re:(Elation?)ship Thoughts Part 2 - 05.29.00 | More little morsels about relationships or lack thereof. |
A Town And A Name - 05.22.00 | Taking you back in the day with a story about my hometown. |
Dissed By The Man - 05.15.00 | I did a "pre-interview" for a job, but not very well. |
Delusions And Hope - 05.08.00 | Everybody wants to be good at something. |
A Little Luck Keeps Me Breathing - 05.01.00 | 3 short stories of possible fatality or maiming. |
Answering The Tough Questions - 04.24.00 | Step right up for answers revealed. |
Go Ahead And Ask - 04.17.00 | Could be opening a can of worms with this one. |
Nothing To Do But Laugh - 04.10.00 | Yet more relationship stuff. |
Re:(Elation?)ship Thoughts - 04.03.00 | Bitter and cynical-free thoughts on relationships. |
Blog Blog Blog - 03.27.00 | A humor piece on weblogs, even though I don't have one? Yup. |
What's In A Name? - 03.20.00 | I explain the name of my site in more detail. |
Pedal Power - 03.13.00 | I've finally started biking to work. I've found it's great. |
Holes In Flesh - 03.06.00 | How I got my ears pierced. |
Rip-Off Or Not? - 02.28.00 | Looking for reader opinions on intellectual property. |
Sledding Past Midnight - 02.21.00 | After the late movie, some friends and I hit the slopes. |
Valentines Day Musings - 02.14.00 | Ain't talkin' bout love. |
The Website And Why - 02.07.00 | A friends asks me why I do this site. I respond. |
The Cold Hard Truth - 01.31.00 | Is a critique creative? Should I care? |
Meeting People Is Easy - 01.24.00 | I try to break out of my shy shell. |
The Deep Blue Funk - 01.17.00 | A relationship ends. I talk about it a bit. |
My Fave Movies Of 1999 - 01.10.00 | Self-explanitory |
525600 Minutes of My Life - 01.03.00 | How I fared with my resolutions for 1999. |
Chill Makes Me Smile - 12.27.99 | I seem to like the winter months more, and this is why. |
Hometown Folklore - 12.20.99 | A high-school story about a late night and me getting scared shitless. |
Going Grassroots Style - 12.13.99 | I printed promotional stickers for my website. I am a nerd. |
Unplugging Myself - 12.06.99 | I finally took some vacation to go snowboarding. Whee. |
100 Minutes Of Crazed Lunacy - 11.29.99 | I got drunk and threw up. A rare occassion, so I wrote about it. |
Coming Home To Crispy-ness - 11.22.99 | My apartment came close to burning. This is what happened. |
Winding Up And Letting Fly - 11.15.99 | A story about Phys Ed class in Junior High. Chuckle. |
Showing My Age - 11.08.99 | I turned 25 recently. These are memories of b-days past. |
Picking And Choosing Memories - 11.01.99 | I try to keep almost all letters I recieve. Almost. |
Mother Nature Strikes Back - 10.25.99 | An apocolyptic rant? Not quite sure. |
Giving It Up A Bit - 10.18.99 | This is a story of me giving some to a charity. |
Ra Freakin' Ra - 10.11.99 | I went to a big college football game. It was crazy so I wrote about it. |
Oh My Ouchness - 10.04.99 | A bee stung me on the inside of the lip. It hurt like a mofo. |
2 Whole Years! - 09.27.99 | The two year point of writing these things. I list my favorites thusfar. |
Outside Ambience - 09.20.99 | Sounds drift in through my open window and I am moved. |
Brainwashed By Nature - 09.13.99 | Jogging along cliffs in foreign countries. Adventure and introspection. |
Not Clumsy, Just Tired - 09.06.99 | I bleed all over a racquetball court and laugh the whole time. |
Stayin' Pasty - 08.30.99 | I was dilligent with the sunscreen this last summer. I'm glad I was. |
My Porcelain Smile - 08.23.99 | I once chipped my tooth in half. This is the story. |
Lightening The Load - 08.16.99 | Student loans go bye-bye. I'm a happy camper. |
Trail Riding Adventures - 08.09.99 | These are some wacky things that happened to me while biking. |
Watching My Bug Karma - 08.02.99 | I think this really exists. In fact, I'm almost sure of it. |
Raspberry Tea - 07.26.99 | Tipsy-ness, make-out sessions, and much more. A rare occassion. |
Stop Me Please, I'm Speaking Jibberish- 07.19.99 | My fear of my own body odor. Yes, I'm strange. |
Shall We Begin? - 07.12.99 | I found a television in my alley. It was my first one. |
Sit and Tuck - 07.03.99 | A story of a long time ago and a large storm that rolled through. |
Eat Concrete - 06.27.99 | A story about nearly dislocating a shoulder while rollerblading. |
Back To The Drawing Board - 06.20.99 | Developments on changes I was making on the site. |
Road Ragin' - 06.13.99 | I yelled at an old lady while driving. It was an accident, I swear. |
I Need Your Help - 06.06.99 | Lesion Legion still needs your help. Go there soon. |
Yet Another Thing To Try - 05.31.99 | I bought rollerblades. They're very fun. |
Bonding With The Volvo - 05.24.99 | I need to listen to my cars needs. |
And I Said I Wouldn't Do It - 05.17.99 | I installed a game on my computer. Someone smack me, please. |
A Little Social Engineering Goes A Long Way - 05.10.99 | I work the system after someone upsets me. |
A Dose Of Vulnerability - 05.03.99 | My dad had heart surgery. It scared me quite a bit. |
Saturated Beyond The Point Of Capacity - 04.26.99 | The media pisses me off sometimes. Ugh. |
Fever Dreams - 04.19.99 | I got very sick and was near hallucinatory states. Whoa. |
Becoming Ebay's Beeatch - 04.12.99 | Yeah, I got hooked for awhile. Just like everyone else. |
Ha-Ha, Just Kidding - 04.05.99 | I was going to take a break from writing, but decided not to. |
Signing Off For Awhile - 03.29.99 | I thought I was going to take a break. It didn't last (see above). |
Dumpster Diving Is Fun! - 03.22.99 | Self-explanitory. Really, it is. |
One Black Glove - 03.15.99 | I lost a glove of mine outside in the city. I found it again somehow. |
Suicidal Fruit - 03.08.99 | Actually, I was an accessory to this crime. Kinda like Gallagher. |
Just Enough Time To Enjoy It - 03.01.99 | It snowed a lot. I went out running through it. |
Hitting Bottom (But Bouncing Upward) - 02.22.99 | A personal ad online. You betcha! |
Breaking The Crutch - 02.15.99 | I stopped using my asthma inhaler out of the blue. For good. |
The Great Soda Debacle Of 1999 - 02.08.99 | Too much soda. Not enough rest-stops. |
Not Twisted, Just A Little Kinked - 02.01.99 | I write down goofy things sometimes. These are some. |
Sneaking Out And Around - 01.25.99 | A story of a teenage excursion one night. |
Arrive And Depart - 01.18.99 | A little memoir about observation of airport life. |
Pre-Millenium Improvements - 01.11.99 | My resolutions for 1999. |
Another 8760 Hours - 01.04.99 | How I fared on my 1998 resolutions. |
Take A Look, It's In A Book - 12.28.98 | I read 52 books in 1998. I talk about it here. |
Guilty As Charged - 12.21.98 | A story of youth and getting in trouble. |
3 Quick Dialogues - 12.14.98 | Partially fictional quick dialogues. Slightly interesting. |
A Night Ride - 12.07.98 | Skateboarding late at night. A wipeout. Reflection. |
The Big Day - 11.30.98 | The biggest shopping day of the year. It sucked. |
Phantom Menace Madness - 11.23.98 | My thoughts 6 months before it arrived in theaters. |
Armchair Dork - 11.16.98 | I won a pizza from a sports show because I made them laugh. |
Thoughts On My 24th B-Day - 11.09.98 | Turning 24 years old. |
Binge And Purge - 11.02.98 | Another kid story. Eating too much and tossing it. |
Spreading Myself Thin - 10.26.98 | I've written for a couple other sites too. |
The Not-So Secret Life Of Me - 10.19.98 | I kept a journal for awhile. It didn't last. |
1.81 Kilograms Of Sugar - 10.12.98 | A strange piece inspired by a walk to the grocery store. |
Life Without Television - 10.05.98 | I didn't own a television for awhile. Quite awhile. |
You Can Take It With You, But Why? - 09.28.98 | A rant on organ donation. |
The Ride - 09.21.98 | 52 miles biked in one day. A record for me. |
Here We Go - 09.14.98 | Worries about 1999 over a year early? Weird again. |
In Praise Of The Sophists - 09.07.98 | I wish I could speak more elegently. |
Fun With Band Names - 08.31.98 | Dumb. Silly. Not very original. Kinda funny, though. |
12 Months Of Madness - 08.24.98 | A year of writing passed. Reflections on it. |
Book 'Em Danno - 08.17.98 | I like to read. If I get the chance. |
Tectonic Music - 08.10.98 | The progression of music that I've listened to. |
Strange Sleep Accompaniment - 08.03.98 | A bizzare dream I had. Kind of creepy, actually. |
Taking A Hit - 07.27.98 | Hit by a car while biking? You bet!! |
An Exercise In Masochism - 07.20.98 | I went out for football in high-school. I got pummeled. |
I'm Having Abdominal Pains - 07.17.98 | I had a surgery. This is the story. |
Good, Clean (Kind Of) Fun - 07.13.98 | A story of seduction. I was seduced. |
More Guestbook Responses - 07.06.98 | I used to have a guestbook. I responded to entries. |
Don't Make Me Decide - 06.29.98 | A story inspired by grocery shopping. Wacky. |
No More No More - 06.22.98 | I quit a job, but was quite nervous doing it. |
Music Madness? - 06.15.98 | Test your music addiction level. |
Spring Is Here Again - 06.08.98 | The first really warm day of the year. |
thought-chain #3 - 06.01.98 | The last of three writing experiments. |
I'm Really Stupid Sometimes - 05.25.98 | Weird story. Not sure of inspiration. |
Prone To Bicycle Wipeouts - 05.18.98 | I biked a lot when I was a kid. Wrecked a lot too. |
Gods and Dogs - 05.11.98 | I met and talked to an old man with advanced Alzheimers. |
Journal Bits - 05.04.98 | Little jottings of mine explained in full. |
Just A Bit Nervous - 04.27.98 | I'm being ambiguous on purpose. |
I Didn't Mean To Be Mean - 04.20.98 | Sometimes well-intentioned plans go awry. |
A Comfortable Seat - 04.13.98 | A trip to a fast food restaurant. Weird goings-on. |
The Condo Run - 04.06.98 | My first time buying condoms. Heh. |
Playing "Hut-Hut" - 04.03.98 | An invention of a game. A trip to the principals office. |
High-School Basketball Memoirs - 03.30.98 | Exactly what it says. Hilarity ensues. |
Making A Beverage (duh) - 03.27.98 | Step by step breakdown of making Kool-Aid. |
thought-chain #2 - 03.23.98 | The second try at a writing experiment. |
thought-chain #1 - 03.20.98 | The first try at a writing experiment. |
Sorry, Bambi - 03.17.98 | I hit a deer with my old car. It wasn't pretty. |
Setting Some Things Straight - 03.13.98 | Responses to my old guestbook (RIP). |
Media Overload Affects Subconscious - 03.09.98 | A dream with the Titanic. Stop the insanity. |
I Must Be Getting Old - 03.06.98 | I used to mosh, but I don't anymore. |
Yakkity Yak - 03.03.98 | Depression fueled alcohol binge and purge. I'm not smart. |
The Cardigan - 02.20.98 | A nice, happy story. One of my favorites. |
An Experience With Alcohol - 02.16.98 | Now this was some fun with alcoholic beverages. |
Crush-O-Rama - 02.13.98 | I'm too old for this. OK, maybe never too old, actually. |
Pick It Up, Pick It Up - 02.09.98 | I pick up garbage a lot. Sometimes I find things. |
A Sly Little Trick - 02.06.98 | Movie soundtracks as marketing scams. |
A Normal Discussion - 02.02.98 | A talk about suicide methods? You know you've had one too. |
The Name Game - 01.30.98 | A funny childhood story. A favorite. True. |
Rotating The Platter - 01.26.98 | Vinyl cuts run smoother sometimes. |
Good Old V-Day - 01.23.98 | A bitter look at the (practically) national holiday. |
Fun With Fake Blood (Part 1) - 01.19.98 | In college, hungry and bored one night. |
Another 365 days - 01.16.98 | My first ever new years resolutions. Bear with me. |
Opening The Archives - 01.12.98 | An old dark and twisted piece from college writing. |
Short and Whiny - 01.09.98 | Feeling inferior and whining about it for a bit. |
Country Hospitality - 01.05.98 | A drive on icy roads. An adventure. |
It's My Party And I'll Lie If I Want To - 12.29.97 | An explanation of this section and what I want to do. |
Down For The Count - 12.22.97 | A story about a jealous guy and feeling his wrath. |
I Feel Kinda Funky - 12.19.97 | Marathon dancing is a lot of fun. Good for you, too. |
Reverting Again - 12.15.97 | Like, totally crushed out. Oh my gawd. |
Running Rampant (Imaginations) - 12.12.97 | Another funny story of youth. |
I'll Knock It Since I Tried It - 12.08.97 | I went to a mainstream club. Note title. |
Anesthesia Rocks! - 12.05.97 | Another story about surgery (I've had 8 now). |
Face Value - 12.01.97 | Getting dissed by a girl. It's not uncommon. |
Pow, Boom, Bang - 11.28.97 | The day that I stopped lighting fireworks. |
Ruining A Otherwise Nice Hike - 11.24.97 | Thoughts on hunting while younger. |
Random Act Of Outgoing-ness - 11.21.97 | A long time ago, I asked a girl out. |
Gonna Make You Sweat - 11.17.97 | I had one re-occurring nightmare as a child. This was it. |
Moment Of Brightness - 11.14.97 | A girl gave me her number once. Once. |
Silly Little Machine - 11.10.97 | My work computer breaks. I'm left twiddling my thumbs. |
Progression Of My Dancing - 11.07.97 | Self explanitory. No lie. |
Another Car Story - 11.03.97 | A funny (and true) solution to car dent repair. |
Surreal Biscuit - 10.31.97 | A strange college Spring Break journey. |
What A Pile - 10.29.97 | Adventures on a snowpile when young. Blood and claustrophobia. |
Not Quite Swan Lake - 10.27.97 | Wrecking bike. Dislocating shoulder. Ouch. |
Swinging Back vs Shutting Up - 10.24.97 | When losing complacentcy sometimes you lose other things. |
A Fresh Perspective - 10.20.97 | I used to be ultra-competitive. I calmed down a bit. |
Don't Stand So Close To Me - 10.17.97 | Uncomfortable around others? I feel for you. |
Anyone For An INTJ? - 10.13.97 | Meyers Briggs says it makes up less than 1% of the population. |
A Few Words On Regret - 10.10.97 | As the title states, I discuss regret. |
Cut It Up Fella - 10.06.97 | Self inflicted wounds to instigate mental healing? I guess so. |
Brain In A Cuisinart - 10.03.97 | Dreams mistaken with reality. It's happened. |
Realizing Pretensions - 09.29.97 | People stare sometimes. I try not to. |
Seems Like A Dream - 09.26.97 | A nice story about a very chance meeting. One of my faves. |
Why'd You Have To Go And Say That? - 09.22.97 | Still an interesting piece to me. I hold my tongue. |
One More Time, With Feeling - 09.19.97 | A two-hour make-out fling? I can't believe it either. |
Boring Cooking Observations - 09.15.97 | Exactly what it says. Not super-boring, though. |
So Long Sucker! - 09.12.97 | A true, semi-gross story about golfing. |
Commencing Phase 03 - 09.07.97 | Everyone goes through phases with friends. I try to explain it. |
Reverse Mohawks Sell Records - 09.03.97 | Electronic music musings and an eerie prediction about Aphex Twin. |
That's A Record I'd Be Proud Of - 08.26.97 | A party with keg stands? Dude! No way! |
Come Up For Air Once In Awhile - 08.25.97 | A rant about PDA. My first piece for this section. |