February 29, 2000
I heard the low, steady rumble of the first thunderstorm of the year while I was sitting in a meeting this morning. Previously to hearing it, I was in danger of nodding off, but the muffled sound made me feel revitalized.
February 28, 2000
While I was at work today, the wind went from about 7mph out of the south to about 25 with 35mph gusts. Riding my bike into it on the way home, it caught me off guard and almost knocked me over a couple times.
February 27, 2000
Today I read that for every 25 years you live, your heart beats approximately 1 billion times (average pace 75 bpm).
Having just turned a quarter of a century myself last fall, the 1 billion beat marker now seems like such a more significant one than 25 years. "So, how old are you?" "Just over a billion beats, thank you very much."
February 26, 2000
As I was falling asleep, I could hear a strange little repeating noise out in my kitchen area. It sounded like a mouse or something, so I crept out through my living room slowly with a clog in one hand to bean it. Eventually, I got to the kitchen and it stopped for a moment. I listened as attentively as possible and soon I heard it again; a branch from my tomato plant on the roof was scraping back and forth against my window.
February 25, 2000
I saw the flier in print that I'd put together a couple weeks earlier and it looked excellent. Having the tactile object was ten times cooler than seeing it on the computer screen.
February 24, 2000
For the third day in a row, I peeled an orange in one fell swoop at lunch. Holding up the orange in one hand and the entire peel in the other, I was victorious. Also, juice was dripping all over me.
February 23, 2000
Thick fog tonight. First of the year and it was wet and cold.
February 22, 2000
I twisted an apple stem today and counted off letters like I used to when I was a kid. It broke off at K and I tried to think of names names that started with it. It got me thinking about a friend of mine saying that the reason the two of us never go out on any dates is because our names start with A and apple stems never break off that early in the alphabet.
February 21, 2000
Feeling like a light dinner, I fixed a monstrous cabbage salad with ruby red ginger salad (made with real grapefruits) dressing. It was exactly what I needed.
February 20, 2000
"Hello, I see you here nearly every week, so I thought I'd introduce myself."
I always get so damn nervous about introducing myself to anyone (especially if they're very pretty girls), but once again, as soon as I'd spoken the words, the butterflies subsided.
February 19, 2000
I hadn't been sledding in years, so when a couple friends and I got the whim yesterday at midnight, I didn't object. It was pure exhiliration zooming down a hill at 1 in the morning with snow hitting me in the face and hearing people yelling for joy around me. The moon was bright enough that I could see for long distances and the air was crisp and clean. When I finally got home at 3am, I was soaked and tired and I'd accidentally left my old mittens behind, but I didn't care one bit.
February 18, 2000
5 inches of snow on the ground when I woke up. Finally.
February 17, 2000
Sleet was coming down hard tonight. It was tingling and stinging just slightly, but I actually quite liked it.
February 16, 2000
I shaved tonight for the first time in a week. I also used a new blade on my razor and managed to cut the hell out of my face while hacking through the 7 days worth of super-scruff.
February 15, 2000
It was nearly 60 degrees at about lunchtime today. 4 hours later, it was down to 20 with the wind chill. 3 hours after that, it was about -5.
February 14, 2000
Just when I think I know a select few people in this town, I turn around and see familiar faces on every side of me.
February 13, 2000
The past few months, the forecasters here have been wrong about the weather so many times that I can't even count. Having dismissed all of their claims, it was even nicer to wake up this morning to an unexpected blanket of snow.
February 12, 2000
While over at a friends house, he played a smooth drum and bass record and pulled some wicked crossfade and scratch action on an old "sounds of the haunted house" record over the top of it. Hilarious and intriguing.
February 11, 2000
I'd heard it correct over the loud music. She was asking me to dance. I agreed and before we walked out onto the floor, she put out her hand and gave me an ice cube.
February 10, 2000
As I was falling asleep, I could hear the faint, distant beep of a lonely fire alarm in search of a new battery.
February 9, 2000
While reading at an open mic tonight, I was so nervous that my hands were shaking and I could barely read what I'd written. I steadied my notebook against the microphone stand and forged onward.
February 8, 2000
For some reason, I was freezing cold while sitting at my computer working tonight. I broke out some seriously gourmet hot chocolate and had myself a cup. That did the trick.
February 7, 2000
A mile in 5:35. My fastest time in several years. Walking my cool down lap, my heart was not only beating loudly in my chest, but seemingly in my head as well.
February 6, 2000
50 degrees and sunny outside today. I don't mind the weather, but we've had hardly any cold weather these past few months and it feels like a season got skipped. I think I actually miss winter.
February 5, 2000
Even 6 hours after I'd baked them, the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies left a strong scent in my apartment. It was something nice to come home to before I went to sleep.
February 4, 2000
After eating a bagel this morning, I kept finding little bits of it stuck in different teeth. Over the course of the next half hour, I worked along on my computer while my tongue probed over every one and freed them.
February 3, 2000
I'd heard the song several times before, but I'd never played it quite as loud as I did tonight. I noticed several little subtle things that I'd never heard before as I glided around my apartment with goosebumps all over. Too often I have many things going at once and I need to focus like that more.
February 2, 2000
After working along on my computer for awhile, I looked down and noticed my entire middle finger below the first knuckle on my left hand was coated with dried blood. It didn't hurt, but after washing it all off I found a tiny cut underneath. I have no idea how it got there.
February 1, 2000
I think completely perfect teeth are over-rated. I got a silver filling (my 5th) today and when I opened my mouth and looked inside, there was something nice about seeing those darker, sparkling spots on the otherwise white shiny surfaces. Not that I'm trying to get cavities, though.
