April 30, 2000
I think it would be fun to have a tree spirit living in my apartment (Princess Mononoke reference). They're so darn cool.
April 29, 2000
I'm officially going to stop drinking any sort of alcohol for awhile. Even though I didn't drink very much, I felt just enough out of control that I was mad at myself all night. The slightest mis-steps while dancing (not that anyone would notice the way I flail around anyway) and my stomach aching just a little bit more than it should were both reminders to me. I'm a total lightweight.
April 28, 2000
Gimme gimme goa trance. Harder, faster, louder.
April 27, 2000
Today was the first day that I didn't think my new haircut looked like absolute crap (after getting it cut 2 days ago).
April 26, 2000
Biking home in the rain tonight, my tires did sort of a crude Jackson Pollock number on my khaki pants with water and mud off the street.
April 25, 2000
Instead of sitting at my computer tonight, I laid on my couch and read an actual book for once. I'd started it well over a month back and I finally got back around to reading it again. Pathetically, it's only the second book I've finished this year.
April 24, 2000
I had a raspberry blue freeze pop this afternoon at work and it stained my mouth something fierce.
April 23, 2000
Sometimes, I have such a weak will when sweets are laid out before me in numerous quantities.
April 22, 2000
Earth day activities included running through a forest with my brother. We jumped over streams, climbed trees, and found 12 ticks on ourselves between us when we got back home. Fortunately, none of them had become attached.
April 21, 2000
Question: How do I react to slightly-tipsy, pretty girls calling me and talking saucy? Answer: Lots of blushing.
April 20, 2000
I drew it on the bar table with my hand for emphasis to my friend. "THE" in 72 point Impact font. He knew what I was talking about.
April 19, 2000
I was racing the elements tonight on my bike. A very ominous cloud came overhead and I pedaled even harder to outrun the rain. A few drops is all that hit me.
April 18, 2000
I had some home-grown (in the kitchen window of my apartment) chives on a baked potato for dinner. Very strong, but quite good.
April 17, 2000
I'm not sure if I just hit a bad spot, or insect life is particularly fruitful this year, but I ended up inadvertently swallowing about 10 different critters while biking this evening.
April 16, 2000
I'm not one for product placement, but a cinnamony-tasting rice milk drink early in the afternoon is quite delicious.
April 15, 2000
Yesterday, the temperature was 85 degrees and sunny. Today, it was about 10 with the wind chill. My nipples salute you.
April 14, 2000
I had a big serving of red meat for the first time in nearly 6 months tonight. A hamburger off a grill. It gave me a stomach ache.
April 13, 2000
When good enough, music can truly change your mood no matter how you were feeling beforehand. That said, sometimes sad and lonely is a good thing.
April 12, 2000
When I eat a candycane (is this proper food for April?), I chew down the long end until both sides are even. Then, I stick the whole thing in my mouth and flip it all around and suck on it while trying not to break it. When it's dissolved a bit, I jam it up in my front lip and act like a vampire.
April 11, 2000
Every time I get done golfing, all I can smell for about an hour afterwards is grass.
April 10, 2000
While at work today, the temperature dropped about 15 degrees and the wind picked up. The added cold drizzle coming down chilled me to the bone on the ride home.
April 9, 2000
I have no idea how it happened, but somehow I cut my hand while at the grocery store today. I didn't even notice it until I picked up an orange and accidentally smeared some on it. It wouldn't stop, and I had to go to the customer service counter and ask for a band-aid.
April 8, 2000
Piled the blankets on the bed and slept with the windows open, even though the temp got down to about 35. There's nothing like sleeping in the cold snuggled under blankets (unless of course, you're sleeping in the cold snuggled up under blankets with someone). Darn.
April 7, 2000
Biking into a 35 mph cold wind today, my eyes were uncontrollably streaming tears. I rode by two little kids going the opposite direction and they gave me a funny look.
April 6, 2000
I will never order another Long Island Iced Tea as long as I live. After drinking only about one-quarter of it, I realized I'm just not hardcore enough.
April 5, 2000
My skin absorbs the smell of smoke like no other.
April 4, 2000
I acted like I hadn't heard it, but after I walked by the girl at the grocery store and heard her whisper to her friend, "did you see his eyes?" I had to smile and blush a little, hoping that it was a compliment.
April 3, 2000
While playing racquetball tonight, my brother accidentally smacked the ball right into the square of my back. Stinging and a welt ensued.
April 2, 2000
Zooming through bicycle trails at nearly 20 mph with trees on one side and a 30 foot drop into a river bank on the other, it's hard not to feel exhilirated. One small miscalculation and you're either eating wood or tumbling, tumbling.
April 1, 2000
Tonight I saw many good reasons why men have earned the dubious distinction of being called pigs.
