May 31, 2001
Even when it tries to be arty, porn is still porn.
May 30, 2001
Sick to my stomach when I woke up this morning and spent almost an hour in the bathroom starting at about 6. There's nothing worse than the cold sweats and shakes right after getting out of bed. The craziest thing was that I still managed to be into work this morning by 9:30.
May 29, 2001
I don't know if I've slept so well in quite some time. The temperature was perfect all night long and I didn't manage to get either cold or hot. Although I woke up early, I drifted in and out of a comfortable sleep for an hour until I had to wake up. Not bad for the first day of the working week.
May 28, 2001
Met some friends at an ice cream joint in the afternoon and we all treated ourselves to shakes and slushes and sat in the sun eating our cool snacks.
May 27, 2001
An absolutely beautiful late spring evening spent just sitting on the porch with friends for several hours. Lots of food to be grilled-out (including the biggest portabello mushroom caps I'd ever eaten) and conversation and a bit of alcohol since nobody had to work the next day. All in all, a great evening.
May 26, 2001
It's become almost a monthly occurence, but I got lots and lots of the new musics again today. As I've said before, it's always a good thing when you have enough new things that you don't even know which one you should listen to next.
May 25, 2001
Who Hoo! Just knowing that I don't have to work for the next three days made my bike ride home from work all the more enjoyable.
May 24, 2001
The doorknobs that lead to the stairs between floors at the building where I work are always kind of oily feeling. I'm not sure whether it's just natural oil from people's hands or something else, but I've taken to using paper towels to open the doors whenever I use them. Call me germ-phobic, but I think I'm just nasty-phobic.
May 23, 2001
Outside taking pictures for work today and it was damn cold with the wind. I was just wearing a thin layer on top and I had to try really hard to keep my teeth from chattering.
May 22, 2001
It's just a head cold, but when the weather is as nice as it has been lately, it sucks to have any distraction, no matter how small, from enjoying it.
May 21, 2001
I got yet another plant today. With all the nice windows and deck space that comes with my apartment, I'd be a fool not to use it and I officially have more plants now than I've ever owned. Right now, I've got two pepper plants, 5 tomato plants, one large chive plant, one small chive plant, spearmint (planted, but not sprouted), lavendar (ditto), 7 sprouted sunflowers, a monstrous jade plant, an aloe plant, a random flowering cactus (not sure of the name), a 'Christiane' Vriesa, and one out-of-control hanging plant that has sent vines all over the place. Yes, I'm enjoying myself.
May 20, 2001
It. Rained. All. Day.
But I liked it.
May 19, 2001
For some reason, this year has spawned the most moths I've ever seen. They gather in bunches around the streetlights at night and I've found several of them in my apartment over the course of the past couple days. Today I learned that although moths enjoy lights, they do not enjoy ceiling fans...
May 18, 2001
If you've been reading here, you know that squirrels have recently been terrorizing my plants. Tonight, one of the little critters was sitting up in a branch only 8 feet from me chattering while I stared him down. Little did he know that I had a half full pitcher of water (left over from watering my plants) and I was still holding a grudge. I swung the pitcher and doused the squirrel, but at the same time, the pitcher broke from the handle and the pitcher part (still holding some water) flew into the tree and wedged tightly in the crook of a branch. I tried throwing sticks and getting it down, but it was no use. I now have a pitcher stuck in the tree behind my house.
May 17, 2001
A car went by the house that my apartment is tonight and even though I was three stories up and on the other side of the house, I could hear it coming about a block away. In fact, I first thought it was thunder, then it became rhythmic and simply annoying.
May 16, 2001
I used to think that the squirrels around here were my friends, but friends don't eat friends plants, so I'm going to have to get some wire mesh to keep them out. Why have they forsaken me?
May 15, 2001
The web is a crazy place in that even though you may have not met a person, it doesn't mean that you don't feel anything when they're gone, especially if they're young and full of energy. Along with tons of other people, I'll miss Kaycee, even though I never met her.
May 14, 2001
My landlord didn't a chance to put my air conditioner in until tonight, so when I got home from work it was hothothot and humid in my apartment. Glancing at myself in the bathroom mirror as I was going to open the window, I noticed fine beads of sweat covering my entire face.
May 13, 2001
My parents live on a farm and my mom has always talked about getting a llama, but they actually got one about a week ago. I met the creature today and I must say that it was quite funny. Pictures will be showing up on the site within the next week.
May 12, 2001
A dirty, dirty day. I planted over 20 small flowers for my grandma and seeded an area of her yard that was about 8 by 40 feet, then I came home to my own apartment and planted 6 tomato plants, some chives, some sunflowers, spearmint, and lavender. It felt good to play in the dirt for once, and I had plenty under my fingernails at the end of the day to show for it.
May 11, 2001
Drove to a town named after a pig (Wilber) on a jaunt for antiques and hopeful garage sale scores, but left with nothing at all purchased and plenty of joke material.
May 10, 2001
It came with high regards from a good friend, so even though I hadn't read a graphic novel in years, I was intrigued by it. As it turns out, Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid On Earth engrossed me with not only the drawings contained within, but with some of the most genuine emotion (which was not always happy) that I'd read in a long time. I'd read about how as a body of work, it sort of wears down the reader, but it's also strangely uplifting.
May 9, 2001
I was feeling completely zapped of energy when I got home from work, partially due to the heat. After falling asleep on my couch for awhile, I woke up and dragged around for awhile, barely able to keep my eyes open. Fortunately, it didn't last long.
May 8, 2001
I'll write more about it at a later point in some other place on this website, but today I started acupuncture treatments for some chronic pain that I've had for years. I'm sick of regular doctors prescribing medicine and it doing absolutely nothing for me, so I'm going to see what happens with Eastern medicine for awhile. Wish me luck.
May 7, 2001
I had a headache around the end of the workday and the bike ride home didn't clear it one bit. Laying around in the early evening sun, however, made it go away right quickly.
May 6, 2001
One of the trees that hangs over my deck is the kind that has the little "helicopters" that hang off the branches by the leaves and right now it's dropping them by the hundreds. I swept the deck today in hopes of keeping them from building up quite so much, but I think I'm just going to have to wait until the deluge is over.
May 5, 2001
They say that April showers bring May flowers, but in the first 5 days of this month, we've already had more rain that we did in all of April. The damn flowers are going to be huge!
May 4, 2001
I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or what, but it seems that I've pretty much lost my ability to enjoy big, dumb, cheesy movies. It's either that, or the big, dumb, cheesy movies have gotten exponentially worse.
May 3, 2001
Wow. That's amazing that there could be so many nerve endings in that small of an area.
May 2, 2001
I came home to a cool unexpected gift of a book from a friend of mine and sat engrossed in it for well over an hour. I know it will have me for many, many more as well.
May 1, 2001
The power went out at work today. My computer monitor blinked twice and then went off and it was pitch black for a couple seconds until the floodlamps came on. It turned out that the outage was caused by a fire in the neighborhood downing some lines, but the eerie quiet and darkness caused by it was a relief just before I was to go home from work anyway.