June 30, 2000
When we got in my car at lunch and I'd forgotten to crack the windows (dark colored car + black leather interior + 90 degrees), everyone had a comment for just how damn hot it was inside.
June 29, 2000
Sometimes I read propaghanda that is so ludicrous and silly that it makes me laugh. Soon afterwards, though, I cringe knowing that some people actually believe it.
June 28, 2000
I get unbelievably frustrated when things don't work the way they're supposed to. My computer at work literally crashed 7 times today and I had to hold back so I didn't break something. I think every workplace needs to invest in a punching bag for their employees.
June 27, 2000
Oh my tastiness! I've received as gifts some of the best cookies (from a friend) and muffins (from my mom) I've even eaten in the past 24 hours.
June 26, 2000
A friend of mine from college came through and stayed at my house. We were up until the wee hours talking about anything and everything and I didn't even worry that I was going to be getting less than 5 hours of sleep to start off my week.
June 25, 2000
The second rainstorm in 3 days and this one came along with a severe thunderstorm and tornado warning. Lots and lots of deep rumbling.
June 24, 2000
I was somewhat surprised by how much kissing went on in Rear Window (as well as how funny it was), but I was also surprised by how much more sensual it was in the movies that I see today. The two main characters never showed any skin and there was nothing other than kissing that took place, but it was so well done that it instantly made me wish I was doing the same. Who said Hitchcock could only do thrillers?
June 23, 2000
I stood outside in a downpour tonight and let it soak my clothes clear through. It was somewhat silly, yet felt completely perfect.
June 22, 2000
Without realizing it, sometimes people say things that cut a lot deeper than they were meant to. I know that I've been guilty of it before, but today I had several instances where it happened to me and by the end of the day I just needed to be by myself.
June 21, 2000
Something about the way I've been feeling lately perfectly fits the mood of music that is completely drenched with stringed instruments.
June 20, 2000
I'm not sure how it happens, but I somehow manage to gash myself open every once in awhile without even realizing that I've done it. Tonight when I got home from rollerblading, I had blood running down my thumb.
June 19, 2000
I went to work with complete and total bedhead today. It made me look about 3 or 4 inches taller than normal and instead of someone commenting on how bad it looked, a couple people actually said they liked it better.
June 18, 2000
After not working on a computer or even looking at a television set for nearly 5 days, my computer monitor seemed much harsher than normal after the break.
June 17, 2000
At first I felt kind of weird about swearing so much in front of my dad, but then I realized that he was swearing once in awhile as well. Golf is a funny sport like that.
June 16, 2000
Although I didn't have a fishing license and I really don't enjoy fishing all that much, I went out with the crew anyway and even pulled in one myself. I still couldn't bring myself to touch or clean it, though.
June 15, 2000
Even if they're just taking a short nap, I have a couple relatives in particular that snore VERY loudly whenever sleeping.
June 14, 2000
Although I don't mind my family and I don't even mind going on vacation with them, being jammed in a small bunkhouse with 4 other fellows on an uncomfortable bunkbed (that was probably designed for someone about 1 foot shorter than me) isn't exactly my idea of fun.
June 13, 2000
While modern country music pretty much completely sucks, there's something about country music from the 40s and 50s that's nice to drive to occassionally.
June 12, 2000
I was awoke about an hour before my alarm this morning by the sound of a wall of rain coming down from the sky. While it sounded rather torrential for about 15 minutes, it had been a long time in coming and actually soothed me a bit. I put my bare foot up into my open window sill and hoped that even the slightest sprinkle of it would blow in on me.
June 11, 2000
Today, I think I learned the meaning behind the term "muggy" in describing a hot and humid day. It's because it feels like you're being mugged constantly by the air.
OK, so I never said I was a comedian.
June 10, 2000
The liquor was almost imperceptable in the cold, milkshake-like drinks. That probably explains why nearly all of us ended up out on the front lawn at 1 in the morning doing silly dances.
June 9, 2000
A formal potluck seems like kind of a contradiction of terms, but the one I went to this evening was smashing. I met new people, had some good conversations and great food.
June 8, 2000
I find it strange that my mind instantly recognizes (and can assign a name to) handwriting that I haven't seen in well over 3 years.
June 7, 2000
I was awoke by a crow in a tree outside my window at 5am this morning. In a sleepy daze, I put on sandals, a shirt and some pants, then went outside and threw sticks at it until it flew away. I walked back into my apartment, disrobed, and fell asleep again.
June 6, 2000
There are so many people in America that I just want to say these following words to; "For one month, give up half the time you spend worrying about professional sports and use it to do some other activity. Exercise more, start reading again, learn photography or just keep a journal. When you look back at that month in retrospect, I almost guarantee you'll feel better about yourself as a person than you did previously."
June 5, 2000
Went to the doctor today to get checked out for some pain I've been having. I guess it's my reward for pushing myself so much while exercising and the result is some tender muscles. At least it isn't an abcess.
June 4, 2000
I ate my first peach of the year tonight. Juice was dribbling off my chin and my hands were a sticky mess when I was through, but that's the way it goes with a good peach.
June 3, 2000
"So why do you do your website?"
"I guess it's because I've found that it's nearly the perfect way for me to express myself, and I want to create something that's larger than me as a person."
"Well that's quite a task, considering you're almost six and a half feet tall."
June 2, 2000
While I was driving with my brother tonight, a teenage girl with braces leaned out of the car next to us and said, "Would you ever date a girl that looked like Kermit the frog?"
June 1, 2000
My right arm officially has a very noticible tan line on it already. This is something I was trying to avoid; not because I was trying to get an even tan, but because I was trying to not tan at all.
