October 31, 2000
Lots of people in costume of course, but for the first time in years I wasn't one of them. I don't know what my deal is lately. I just don't know.
October 30, 2000
I went biking in the complete dark tonight and it was so much fun. I was zooming down poorly lit trails with trees on each side while constantly scanning ahead of me for anyone that might be out as well. I got to thinking how it almost exactly three years ago to the day when I was doing the same thing and managed to dislocate my shoulder. Of course, that made things even more of a rush.
October 29, 2000
I'm so incredibly lazy that I didn't get out of bed until about 1pm today. The cool wind was blowing through my window and it was one of those nice fall mornings where I just couldn't get myself going.
October 28, 2000
I hadn't been dancing in some time before tonight. Especially "going like a crazy person until I'm super sweaty and tired" dancing.
October 27, 2000
Getting a novacaine shot on the underside of the gum hurts a lot more than getting one on the outside, mainly because the skin is a lot more taut there. Or so I'm told.
October 26, 2000
After putting myself through a super-hard workout tonight, I came home and just laid down in the middle of my floor, drifting to the sounds of Labradford.
October 25, 2000
It drizzled all day yesterday and part of today. On my bike ride home, I swear I could smell leaves decomposing as they lay in piles on the pavement and grass.
October 24, 2000
I can't believe that the long distance company even sent me a bill for 22 cents. Don't they have filtering software to prevent this kind of thing? Waste. Stupid.
October 23, 2000
The problem with growing hair out is that there always comes a time when it's in-between lengths and just horrific to deal with. I've reached that point right now and I'm currently toying with the idea of just cutting it short again to avoid the fuss.
October 22, 2000
A friend visiting that I hadn't seen in well over a year. We talked for hours and the time away faded quickly.
October 21, 2000
A falling leaf hit me square on the head as it descended rapidly. Instinctively, I looked up to see where it had come from (although part of my brain already knew). Just as I did this, another leaf landed right between my eyes and I almost fell over laughing as a result of it.
October 20, 2000
The spices were kind of strong, but it was my first apple cider of the year, and that's what matters.
October 19, 2000
I argued tonight that one really can feel emotional responses just from reading words of an e-mail. They didn't believe me, but I know otherwise.
October 18, 2000
It was over 80 degrees today and I let loose with a tirade to a person at work about how I wanted it to be cold, I wanted it to freeze, and I wanted snow so I could go sledding at midnight. They looked at me kind of weird, but I was serious.
October 17, 2000
When I was out taking some pictures this evening, I saw one of the coolest sunsets that I'd seen in many months. Hopefully my pictures capture the beauty of it.
October 16, 2000
From 7pm on this evening, I was walking around in only my undies and a t-shirt (sorry if that's a disturbing image for you).
October 15, 2000
I was carrying my bike up the stairs today and slipped while putting my foot down. I fell forward and my mouth slightly clanked down on my handlebar as I caught myself. As I did so, I shattered the ceramic cap that was on one of my front teeth. It was pretty close to needing repair anyway, but now a trip to the dentist is inevitable.
October 14, 2000
I'm sitting here at nearly midnight in front of my computer and feeling a bit lonely. Who do I turn to? Morrissey.
October 13, 2000
I guess the most obvious thing would be to comment on just how big the full moon was tonight. And it was damn big, I hope you got the chance to see it.
October 12, 2000
With all the damn wind we've been having, I was hoping it would blow in a storm of some kind. Too bad it didn't.
October 11, 2000
Sometimes I suprise even myself with how much food I can eat in one sitting. Big serving of dijon potatoes with crumbled tofu, a bowl full of red cabbage salad, 4 pieces of homemade bread, a couple cookies, and almost 2 liters of water to wash it all down. Oink oink.
October 10, 2000
I wasn't going to even do a trip journal for the most recent outing until I got back my first roll of pictures tonight. It's interesting how seeing some nice images can flood your mind with things that you want to write down so they're not forgotten at a later time. Stay tuned.
October 9, 2000
I have a cut on the inside of my lip and it hurts like crazy. Of course, I abused it by eating tomatoes with salt on them.
October 8, 2000
We came out of the show at nearly 2am in the morning. The music we'd seen was epic and sweeping and it seemed fitting somehow that even though it was early October, snow was coming out of the sky in huge clumps.
October 7, 2000
Quite possibly the most amazing live show I've ever seen in my entire life. A friend from work and I went to Chicago to see Godspeed You Black Emperor! and it was absolutely worth it. They went from quiet and delicate to overwhelming walls of earth moving intensity. If they come through your town or anywhere near you, go see them. Then buy their new CD, because it's great as well.
October 6, 2000
Very good vegetarian chili hit the spot after walking several miles in the cold. Of course, the combination of sitting in a warm restaurant and the chili powder in the food made my nose start running like a faucet.
October 5, 2000
I saw my breath tonight. I saw my breath tonight! Cold and windy weather. I like it!
October 4, 2000
I like cats, but unfortunately I'm also very allergic to them. I was playing with some kittens tonight and after leaving I sneezed and sneezed.
October 3, 2000
Sometimes I laugh during situations when I shouldn't be laughing, like times when I get frustrated by a situation or upset by something I hear. That said, I was laughing a lot tonight during the presidental debates.
October 2, 2000
I'm hoping that the haggard look comes into style soon, because someone told me that my eyes matched my shirt tonight.
I was wearing a red shirt.
October 1, 2000
It should _not_ still be hot enough out that I sweat while walking around in a t-shirt and cargo pants. Bring on the fall, please.