October 31, 2001
It was almost perfect, rollerblading along in the almost complete dark on Halloween, with only a full moon glaring down through the skeletal trees at me and about the only thing I could hear was the click-clack of my wheels on the pavement. One of those moments where I felt really alive and exhilarated by my surroundings (the fact that I was zooming through the dark and hardly able to see anything was half the point). About a half mile from home, my left skate started wobbling quite a bit, but I pressed on. By the time I got home, One of the wheels had literally almost melted off (something else I'd never seen before).

     see     touch

October 30, 2001
Today I looked at the website stats and was greeted with a number that showed numbers already surpassing my best month ever. Thank you each and everyone. This section may be closing at the end of the year, but I have even more things up my sleeve for the site.


October 29, 2001
For some reason I thought that wearing shorts to work today would be a good idea. That's what I get for trusting a weather report that said it would be 10 degrees warmer than it actually was today.


October 28, 2001
Eyes feel rested from daylight savings time, so of course I deplete them again by working on my computer for about 5 hours today. What do I have to show for it? A slight re-design of the music review section (launching later this week), but one that will help out a lot in the future as it continues to grow.


October 27, 2001
One of the nicest days of this fall so far. The sun was bright and blue and the strong wind blew the leaves off trees in bundles, littering the still green grass with orange, yellow, and red.

see     touch

October 26, 2001
Had to burn some vacation days from work, so I took the day off and spent the first half finishing help friends move and the second half relaxing.

see     touch

October 25, 2001
Its not the most fun thing to help one of your best friends pack up all their belongings, knowing that the next day they're going to get into that moving truck and drive half the country away.

see     touch

October 24, 2001
It's a good thing when your job involves drawing a spaceship that flies through the body, avoiding different germs and collecting white blood cells to stay healthy. Zoom!


October 23, 2001
Sometimes I get into weird modes where I'm calculating something in my head and I'll be talking aloud while doing this and the next thing I'll know someone will be staring at me as I walk down the hallway at my job muttering "5 times 52 equals 260 times 500 equals....130,000."


October 22, 2001
I know that there has been total media absorbtion from the events of September 11th when I'm biking home from work and I see a big 4x4 truck that has a sticker in the back window of Calvin taking a pee on the name "bin Laden."


October 21, 2001
After several days of eating everything in sight, it was good to get out and exercise tonight. Part of the fun was just seeing all the trees changing colors. A very nice glide.

see     touch

October 20, 2001
Went to the wedding of some very close friends and nearly everything seemed to go as planned. Usually, ceremonies seem to be a bit too formal and methodical for me to feel much emotion, but darned if I didn't mist up a couple times today. Good luck to Aimee and Andrew, you kids rock.

see     hear     touch

October 19, 2001
Chatting and chatting and chatting and chatting. Staying up late, with a bit of the drinking.

hear     taste

October 18, 2001
A somewhat ominous meeting at work, but as usual all the really tough things were talked around.


October 17, 2001
I can tell that winter is rapidly approaching because the skin on some of my fingers gets quite dry more easily than usual. The first knuckle on my right index finger cracked open and was bleeding on the way to work today.


October 16, 2001
Due to unforseen events that took place about a month ago, connecting flights were cancelled, turning a planned trip to Spain into more of a headache than a vacation. Feeling a bit sad about having to call it off, but got a full refund and it _will_ be happening in the future at some point.


October 15, 2001
I think it's a true sign that you're really close to someone when you let them pop your pimples.


October 14, 2001
Chocolate glazed cake donuts for breakfast, heck yeah!


October 13, 2001
It's been a long time since I bought a record, but I suppose that Johnny Cash is an OK reason to get a couple more.


October 12, 2001
Friends over and laughing and watching a wacky movie that I had somehow never seen (Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory) getting nicely tipsy.

see     hear

October 11, 2001
After working on one project for several months, I got started on something completely different today. Even though it still isn't probably the most exciting thing in the world to be working on, it's definitely different, and the time spent working on it simply flew by.


October 10, 2001
It felt like I'd been asleep for hours, but when the rain started pounding against the window and thunder rattled me awake, I realized that I'd only been asleep for less than an hour.


October 9, 2001
Weeks have constantly become nothing more than countdowns lately. I think that definitely means that it's time for a vacation.


October 8, 2001
I like people that are straightforward and tell me what they have to say, even if it's not something that's positive. Constructive criticism is a good thing.


October 7, 2001
Turned on the television after lunch (at random) and saw that Things Had Begun. I don't know what's going to happen with everything. It's interesting and scary at the same time.

hear     see

October 6, 2001
The first freeze of the year. It sure was nice to wake up to, though. Snuggle in the covers and sleeping in.


October 5, 2001
Rented another one of the classics tonight by Hitchcock (North By Northwest), and wondered why Hollywood can't make them like they used to (Ok, so they still do occassionally, but it's pretty damn rare).


October 4, 2001
The smells of homemade mushroom/lentil/tomato/eggplant soup, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and watermelon/orange/plum from the juice machine greeted me tonight after coming back to my apartment. Tasty!

smell     taste

October 3, 2001
Awakened by the sound of a screeching car alarm that seemed to sound for minutes on end. Is this neighborhood constantly getting louder, or am I just becoming a lighter sleeper?


October 2, 2001
It's surprising how much you notice small elemental changes like how much the wind is blowing simply by riding ones bike as opposed to driving in a car. When you're driving into a 25 mph wind, you sometimes notice it slightly, but when you're biking into it, it turns into a certain level of work exerted just to keep moving.


October 1, 2001
Once again, another fine example of just how totally wack the weather in Nebraska is. Last week, the temperatures were in the 70s and very nice. Today the temperature was almost 90 again, and tomorrow it's supposed to be the same before this hot weather finally leaves for the rest of the year. After all, what month is this?
