November 30, 2000
This afternoon I went on a photo shoot for work. Part of this involved standing out on some metal scaffolding about 350 feet off the ground and taking a picture looking upward. It was actually pretty fun, especially since my vertigo didn't really kick in.
November 29, 2000
Red eyes from missing out on sleep is not a good thing to be having already on a Wednesday morning. Especially when you know you're going to be staying up late for several more nights in a row.
November 28, 2000
This guy pulled up so close behind me tonight in his car that I couldn't see his headlights at all in my rearview. It set me off a bit and I yelled, "back the f*ck up!" in my car, mainly to clear my head. After we started up, though, he kept a long distance, and when I stopped at the next light and he went by me in the right lane to turn, I saw that his window was down and he gave me a strange glance.
November 27, 2000
Mmm. Tasty vegetarian chili served up by a friend for dinner. And asparagus!
November 26, 2000
No, no, no. It's not that big of a deal at all. I realize that, but really it's a cool, nice thing anyway. I'm not making sense, but I'll blame it on the long weekend or # 200.
November 25, 2000
Let me tell you, when stuff is past its expiration date, it's best to just throw it out and forget about it. Oh, and chuckle about it a bit, 'cause it's damn funny.
November 24, 2000
I was stuck out exercising when the sky flared up and an amazing sunset took place. I pushed myself extra hard to make it home to my cameras, but it was faded and gone by the time I made it back to my apartment. The twenty minutes skating along and barely being able to pay attention to where I was going was worth it, though.
November 23, 2000
It's something I've been thinking for awhile now, but actually writing the words made me even more sad. I had such high hopes for the project when I started, but they've faded and faded and I've pretty much abandoned them for now. I'm still going to go through the motions for a couple more months, but seeing things limp along so weakly makes me feel like I'm watching a pet that I should just put out of its misery.
November 22, 2000
I just walked around for over an hour tonight after the movie taking pictures. I wandered down alleys that I'd never been down and climbed staircases that I probably wasn't supposed to and was just fascinated by the night. It helped that it was just the right temperature to turn my breath into big puffy plumes.
November 21, 2000
By the time I finally got around to cooking dinner at 9pm tonight, the smell of it alone was making my mouth water like Pavlov's dog.
November 20, 2000
Finally got the new, permanent cap on my tooth. It's half silver, half ceramic (the visible part), and it looks pretty much exactly like a normal tooth in my mouth would. It's a little smoother right now, but that will dull with age.
November 19, 2000
The weird thing about the astroturf in the pavillion where I play ultimate frisbee is that there are little bits of ground-up rubber that partially make up the floor. When you take off you shoes after playing, you have to shake them out, and if you fall on it, the little bits stick on your skin and get caught in your clothing. The worst is when they get into your undies after diving. It's a strange feeling.
November 18, 2000
Quite an exquisite moon this evening, and there wasn't a cloud in the night sky making it even colder outside. I exhaled and wrapped a gauzy blanket around that little glowing sliver.
November 17, 2000
The woman behind us at the movie theater was a classic master of the obvious. She explained almost every scene aloud as it was happening, as if she was trying to decipher it all in her mind and put the pieces together.
As she was leaving the theater, I overheard her tell her husband that she'd figured out the film after the first 5 minutes.
November 16, 2000
I was wearing four layers of clothes tonight after going to the rec center, but the wind was so bitter cold that it went right through all of them. Even though I was completely tired from the workout, I still had enough energy to sprint to the car.
November 15, 2000
I know I'm late in the craze, but it made me happy when I fought through tons of install problems (mainly due to software on my computer) and finally got my webcam installed and working today.
November 14, 2000
I was sitting at a stoplight with my brother tonight on the way to play racquetball when I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a car zooming in behind me. Just about the time I let out an expletive, it slammed into the back of us and our heads jerked backwards into the headrests before the car settled to a stop. My brother hopped out excitedly and started yelling while I got out slowly and went around to survey the damage. The woman who had hit me was frantic and apologizing but when I looked at my car, I noticed nothing. Since traffic was heavy, we pulled into a nearby parking lot and I again looked things over on my car. There wasn't even a scratch on the bumper, despite her having hit us going at least 20 miles per hour. We exchanged numbers and insurance information and I didn't break my calm demeanor once for some reason. We were both fine and the trusty Volvo had taken a hit again with no damage.
November 13, 2000
Today, I heard someone say, "Friday the 13th falls on a Monday this month." It made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.
November 12, 2000
I always blush when I'm the center of attention, and I've been blushing a lot today. Thanks to everyone who helped make my birthday rad, whether it was some kind words in an email, or a friendly smile and wish in person. My 26th was a great one.
November 11, 2000
I didn't have gloves or a stocking hat, but that didn't stop me from building a seven and a half foot tall snowman with some friends of mine.
November 10, 2000
I was supposed to get a new cap for my tooth today, but the color of the replacement was slightly off. Now, I have to wait almost two more weeks again. Grumble.
November 9, 2000
I was so busy today that I didn't manage to find any free time at all until about 10pm tonight. When everything settled down and I caught up, I wished that I still had those distractions. A mind unoccupied plus depressing music equals a mind depressed.
November 8, 2000
I couldn't believe what I heard when I turned on the radio this morning. Still no decision, even though it seemed that there had been when I went to bed 5 hours previously. This is one damn crazy thing to be a part of.
November 7, 2000
I'm going absolutely nuts watching election coverage. I may not go to sleep before I see the complete results. If I did go to bed, I probably wouldn't sleep anyway.
November 6, 2000
The first snowfall of the year is always pretty damn cool, even if it all melts as soon as hitting the ground. I want some more for my birthday in a couple days.
November 5, 2000
Went for a flying leap to make a catch today while playing ultimate and came down pretty hard on my hip. If I try really hard, you can barely tell that I'm limping.
November 4, 2000
"I'm going to point out a girl that I think is attractive, but I already know what you're going to say when I tell you."
"Do you mean that girl dancing right next to us that looks like your ex?"
"See, I knew you were going to say that."
November 3, 2000
Halloween cookies, cucumber slices, celery sticks, and soda do not a dinner make.
November 2, 2000
You know you're in a cynical mood when someone asks you to name one beautiful thing that you've seen today and it takes almost a minute to answer them.
November 1, 2000
I recently got some homeopathic preparation that's supposed to help the absorption of scar tissue. While applying it to the scar on my neck tonight, I still flinched at the touch. Even though I've had the scar since my freshman year of college, it's still something that feels very foreign to me and I've probably actually touched it less than 20 times in those 7 years. Even if it doesn't actually help the scar fade any, the application of this new treatment should at least get me past my fear of touching it.