December 31, 2000
It's that feeling that rhymes with kitten and mitten and I'm smiling.
December 30, 2000
I made a big batch of vegetarian chili for my fam tonight at dinner. Everyone ate at least one bowl full and surprisingly enough everyone seemed to really like it.
December 29, 2000
Snowboarding for the first time in well over a year and I hadn't completely lost the few skills that I have. Managed some pretty good jumps and offset those with a few decent falls. I had to try a couple things that were probably above my skill level, and I didn't manage to hurt myself so there's no harm done.
December 28, 2000
Just on the other side of the mountains, we drove into one of the prettiest sunsets that I'd seen in a very long time. It was dusk and I could see the sliver of a moon hanging in the sky above the pink and blue swirls. Fortunately it wasn't too big of a deal to pull off the interstate for a moment while I hopped out and snapped a picture.
December 27, 2000
If someone would have told me that I would have been completely mesmerized by a kaleidoscope for quite some time on a day when I had to get tons of things done, I would have laughed. What an interesting gift, and one that reminds me to still find beauty and a bit of simplicity in the little things.
December 26, 2000
I went jogging today and when I came home, there were tiny beads of ice on each one of my eyelashes.
December 25, 2000
The first time in over 10 years that we've had snow on Christmas day, and we had a whole bunch of it.
December 24, 2000
I'm really glad that the holidays only come but once a year, if only because I don't have to hear the horrible music (the majority anyway) that comes along with it.
December 23, 2000
Each icicle I knocked off the edge of the roofline made a slightly different sound as it dropped to the pavement below and although they were pretty hanging there, I couldn't help myself from breaking all of them.
December 22, 2000
I couldn't believe what they were telling me. The gaping wound in the side of my car from the accident about a week ago makes my poor car a total loss. It made me sad just hearing the words. I'm not going to put it down, though. The old school Volvo will keep on going for awhile, mark my words.
December 21, 2000
When I went running tonight, the air was really really cold and I should have known to take it easy. Instead, I pushed myself as hard as possible. I wanted to beat my fast time from the other night and I had tons of energy so I ran as fast as possible the whole mile. Afterwards, my chest was tight and my head was spinning. I put my hands above my head and tried to even out my breathing, and then I could swear that I tasted blood in my mouth. About 5 minutes later, I was fine.
December 20, 2000
Sure, I guess it's kind of funny that I don't eat meat. Some of my family thinks so.
December 19, 2000
Zoom. Tonight I ran the fastest mile that I'd done in a long time after a couple games of racquetball. Only a few seconds away from cracking the 5 minute mark.
December 18, 2000
7 more inches of snow today. We've gotten over 15 inches in the past 10 days here, more than all of last year combined.
December 17, 2000
On the jog out, I felt good. The sun was shining and I broke a sweat and got slightly damp on the underlayers of my outfit. It was fun dodging through the snow and jumping drifts and really good exercise as well. When I turned around and came home into the wind, though, things changed. My head underneath my cap was a bit damp from sweat and the wind went right through it and gave me a monster headache. I came home and layed down on the floor, dizzy with pain.
December 16, 2000
The roads were slick and I knew it, so I was taking my time driving home this morning from another town. It still didn't keep me from sliding off the road, though, and into a 30 foot deep ditch. It was very scary and I thought my car was going to flip over onto the side, but there ended up being fairly minimal damage and I was unhurt. So, despite the big chunk of time that it took out of my day, I'm lucky. Things will be fine.
December 15, 2000
Not only am I not very good at functioning in large groups of people, but there I was standing in a large group of people in which I only knew two. In addition, I was supposed to be documenting the entire event by taking pictures of everyone. I somehow mustered up the strength to go around and casually take them, while at the same time trying to be very unobtrusive and friendly. At the end of the night, I had a lot of good pictures and I didn't feel quite as uncomfortable around everyone, but it didn't stop me from going to bed early.
December 14, 2000
We finally went sledding. It was a total blast for about an hour. Then some poor fellow (that wasn't in our group) fell on a piece of wood from a broken tobogan and it stuck in his leg. The ambulance had to come and we all left sort of bummed out by it. There will be more snow, though, and we'll go back at it.
December 13, 2000
You won't have to listen to me talk about it any more about it after this, but I had my photography show tonight. Lots of people showed up despite the somewhat crappy weather and I had a great time, which is all I could ask for. Good conversation, friends, food and drink and hopefully there will be some great pictures of it all as well. Check out the photo section in a week or so for a full rundown and thanks to everyone who came or sent me well wishes. You rock.
December 12, 2000
On a day in which lots of things need to be accomplished, the best thing to wake up to in the morning is not a flat tire. Fortunately, even it failed to bog me down much.
December 11, 2000
I got my socks completely soaked while getting my car unburied from all the snow this morning. Even though I took an extra pair into work, I just sat barefoot for a couple hours, working away while wiggling my toes against the carpet.
December 10, 2000
It was exactly a month ago when the snow came down this hard, but this go around seems more promising. This time I've already seen cars spinning their wheels and even if the forcasters are off by several inches, that still means a good enough base coat for sledding. I said sledding! Do you hear me!
December 9, 2000
You sit there and read those little words in a box and even though that person could be hours and hours away, you react. You smile or even laugh aloud as you imagine them saying something, or wrinkle your brow when your read something that isn't quite so happy, as if they were saying it directly to you. It's not a performance, it's just how it works. And then you close that little box and you realize you've been sitting there for hours, just reading and watching and sharing. Yup, sharing and feeling.
December 8, 2000
It was one of those days that I took off from work an hour early just so I could come home and take a short nap. It was slightly cool in my room and I fell onto my bed underneath a thin blanket, then woke up shivering. It was nice, though.
December 7, 2000
I got my photos back from the lab and they're big and colorful and I'm completely excited about the show. 6 days and counting with everything ready to go. No stress.
December 6, 2000
Have you ever had one of those days where you wish that teleportation was something that was possible? I know I have.
December 5, 2000
As soon as I turned off the hot water of the shower, I could feel the cold creep in and run through my body. It's very cold outside and it's pervaded my apartment far too much. I guess that's what I get for living in an old old house.
December 4, 2000
I came up with a really strange (and somewhat vile) insult a couple months back, and although I've used it sparingly, I actually heard it said by someone else today.
So, if you hear someone say, "Why don't you open your I can throw up in it," just remember that you read it here first.
December 3, 2000
It was nice to just watch the beautiful sunset for once and not even worry that I didn't have my camera. It's in hiding for one weeks time, then I'll bring it out and shoot again.
December 2, 2000
If I knew that it would have survived the thrashing, I would have hit my alarm clock with a bat of some sort this morning. I just wanted a little sleep.
December 1, 2000
The process is finally complete. I've gone through over 700 pictures many different times now, picking and choosing my favorites and deciding which ones would look the best enlarged and hung on a wall. Final count for the show: 21 pictures.